Hello everyone and a belated welcome to our new school year!

I’m sure many of you will have heard that I’m not in school at the moment but am hoping to return in the very near future.  I made it back for the first day of term but then ended up in hospital for a few days and am now convalescing at home.  I am well on the way to recovery and am in daily contact with Marian to keep in touch with everything that is happening in school.  I look forward to seeing you all again soon and meeting all our new pupils and their families.

I hope everyone had a good summer break and managed to relax and recharge after our hectic year last year.

The coming year will hopefully be an exciting one with several events and activities planned for pupils, staff and families past and present, to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Hadrian School.  Our first pupils crossed the threshold of the newly formed school on Monday 6th September 1999 after a big reorganisation of special education throughout the city of Newcastle.  What a 20 years it has been!!  We have some fantastic memories of our journey over the years and have seen huge changes in our buildings, grounds and facilities as we constantly strive to improve and provide the best of everything for our children. To this date we have taught, nurtured, supported, encouraged and loved a total of 703 children!  We have watched as many come into Nursery tearful and fearful on their first day and then leave us at the end of Year 6 confident, happy young people ready for the next stage of their journey through life.

We have also had some very sad and difficult times when much loved children and staff have died, some after hard fought battles through life and some unexpectedly and tragically.  On this note we are going to hold a special Remembrance Assembly at 1.45pm on Monday 11th November 2019 to remember these children, friends and colleagues.  We would like to invite the families of any of the Hadrian children and staff who have died since our opening to come to this assembly to share the afternoon with us.  We will let you know more details nearer the time.

Please put the following dates in your diaries as we would like to welcome as many friends and families as possible to our upcoming events:

Thursday 3rd October at 9.30am    –         Coffee Morning

Thursday 10th October at 6.00pm    –       Pie and Pea Supper

Tuesday 5th November at 6.00pm    –      Bonfire Party

Thursday 7th November at 7.00pm    –     Comedy of Errors at Northern Stage

Monday 11th November at 1.45pm    –    Remembrance Assembly

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact school.

Looking forward to catching up with you all soon,

Best wishes, Chris



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